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Tan Hsu Wen



Born in Singapore

I am Benjamin love for photography . “For as long as I can remember I've been the kind of person. I would say there are two main factors that eventually guided me to photography. I needed a new outlet,Having someone as talented as my good Kaki of group. I had the perfect model to learn and practice basic techniques. It all grew from there on, until I found myself shooting everything; becoming fanatical about photography gear and once again seeing the word through the eyes of an artist.”

Benjamin is almost entirely self-taught. He learned at first through trial and error, as well as taking others advice.

Having someone as talented as my good Friend Mr Phua.

During the subsequent Month Phua, guide me in basic photography techniques.

i’m a nature, With a camera in my hand. I would look
more closely, especially at plants and flowers and poeple and find pleasing
compositions and colors. In the process, This became a means for personal refuge
and renewal. My current photography involvel portraits, or people in their pose.
W…hile I still enjoy insects macro photography work My Mission: Finding Beauty
of people and nature


In recent month, through changing circumstance, I have been afforded many opportunities to take dog with people portrait at Sunny Chong dog trainning school and my trusty Canon cameras accompany me on every occasion. Today I have access to: 5D with a 70 – 200 f 2.8 Sigma and a 17 – 50 2.8 Tamron.

My aim is to capture the character of the person and not just the image. My next mission will be to explore “the face” and the many moods.


Bennie is my Call Name


Photography is all about choices: What to look at. When to push the button,where to stand and,ultimataly,who to photograh. The decisions all inflyence each other,and you as well,because the ultimate decision you are making is who you want to be and what you want to be and what you want to work to stand for. The work you vreate will be direct reflection of who you are. We are forged by our experiences; the people and scape we photograph and that's the exciting part.


"Benjamin Tan Hsu Wen

How i started Photography


Thank you to my Kaki's in Macro photography.

This is how i started Photograpy is from insects macro



i Learn alot from Three master Victor,Nicky and Melvyn.

Thanks to David (best friend) he the one who started me with photography. from there on i been shooting.


People who i alway been with . i want to thank you


David, Lance

Rick, Alfred





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